At the end of 2015, the commemorative year of its first 25
years of life, the Ministry of Public Works granted € 1,960,000
from the 1.5% cultural program. This contribution made possible
the rehabilitation of the Large Shed, the construction of an
annex, the adaptation of the building of the old commissary
-which continues to act as a reception space and services of the
Museum- and its union with the Bridge Crane Shed through a
toilet module.
This financial contribution from the Ministry was key to making
a qualitative leap in the trajectory of the Museum. The
opportunity for the Spanish Railways Foundation to also make a
complementary investment of € 157,000 that allowed intervening
in other areas of the heritage facilities and transforming the
equipment into a more alive, more current, more accessible
museum with more preserved elements. In fact, between 2016 and
2017, a new area called Espacio Mercancías (Freight Area) was
created, with the installation of a 40-meter track and three
wagons at the back of the Rotunda parallel to the perimeter
fence of the Museum. Also in this period, an 18 m track was
built with exit from an original rotating plate of the Vilanova
station to house small vehicles and a replica of a container
terminal. Then, the 40 m road was extended with a new 170 m that
allows the circulation of light vehicles, as is the case of a
works dresina (rehabilitated by the volunteer association) that
allows visitors to enjoy a tour inside the Museum.
In 2016 the Inclusion and Accessibility Plan was initiated to
adapt the spaces and the offer of activities to the needs of a
larger public sector, being the subsidy program of the
Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia of great
help to turn the Museum into a space at the service of people
with all kinds of needs. In 2018, the reform of the Museum's
educational program also began, in which it also had the
financial support of the Generalitat, so that the architectural
transformation was accompanied by an innovative change in the
contents offered.