To be a powerful and innovative asset of experienced,
patrimonial, informative, cultural and technical leisure at the
service of citizens and the train transport sector, a center of
museological reference in the field of railways in Catalonia. An
inspiring Museum that stimulates participation, dialogue,
curiosity, enjoyment and learning in the railway educational
cluster created in Vilanova i la Geltrú.

To be a vehicle of heritage communication at the service of
people through a sample of railway culture throughout history.
The stories and experiences that inspire heritage assets are the
vehicle to promote knowledge, valuation and use of rail
transport. An inclusive and dialoguing equipment, rooted in the
territory, in which the movable, immovable, documentary elements
and the intangible memory that it guards explores and exposes
the continuous action of men and women in the innovation of
train transport, as well as the transformative effects of its
- Position the Museum as a benchmark in Catalonia for heritage conservation and dissemination of railway culture, its values and the benefits it represents for the community.
- Consolidate an attractive, healthy and sustainable museum with a strategic vision.
- Expand its educational function to as many people as possible, beyond face-to-face visitors.
- To guard, recover, rehabilitate, document and expose a valuable selection of the heritage legacy of the railway for the transmission to future generations of the effort and experience of the past.
- Offer society the testimonies of the material memories of the railway with the will that are useful to reflect on itself and plan its future.
- Act as a communication vehicle to achieve the valuation and use of the railway by people.
- Reach new audiences and increase face-to-face visitors and the community of virtual followers.
- Turn the visit of the Museum into a unique experience through the world of the train, from the past to the future.

- Vocation of public service
- Orientation to change and improvement
- Team spirit
- Proactivity
- Responsibility
- Flexibility
- Transversality
- Innovation
- Hospitality
- Collaboration
- Respect
- Trust
- Accessibility
- Inclusivity